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Course Objectives:
- To understand technology involved in analysis and improving quality of water as commodity.
- To acquire the knowledge of electro-analytical techniques that facilitates rapid and precise
understanding of materials.
- To understand structure, properties and applications of speciality polymers and nano material.
- To study conventional and alternative fuels with respect to their properties and applications.
- To study spectroscopic techniques for chemical analysis.
- To understand corrosion mechanisms and preventive methods for corrosion
Examination Scheme for Chem 2024 Pattern
- Seminar Presentation / Open Book Test/ Quiz (06 Marks Unit 5)
- Unit Test 12 Marks Units 1 & Unit 2 (6 Marks/Unit)
- Assignments / Case Study 12 Marks Units 3 & Unit 4 (6 Marks/Unit)
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Unit I: Water Technology
- Impurities in Water
- Hardness of Water: Types, Units, and Numerical.
- Determination of Hardness: EDTA method using molarity concept and alkalinity; Numerical.
- Ill Effects of Hard Water in Boilers: Priming and foaming, scale, and sludge.
- Water Treatment:
i) Zeolite method and numerical
ii) Demineralization method
- Purification of Water: Reverse osmosis and electrodialysis.
- Modern Technique: Atmospheric water generation.
Unit II: Instrumental Methods of Analysis
- Introduction:
Types of reference electrode (calomel electrode), indicator electrode (glass electrode), ion-selective electrode (solid membrane electrode).
- [A] Conductometry:
- Introduction
- Conductivity cell
- Conductometric titrations of acid versus base with titration curve (Strong acid-Strong base).
- Applications of conductometry.
- [B] pHmetry:
- Introduction
- Standardization of pH meter
- pH metric titration of strong acid versus strong base with titration curve and applications.
- [C] UV-Visible Spectroscopy:
- Introduction
- Statement of Beer’s law and Lambert’s law
- Electronic transitions in organic molecules
- Terms involved in UV-visible Spectroscopy
- Instrumentation (double beam) and applications.
- Numerical: Based on absorption laws i.e., molar absorptivity and concentration.
Unit III: Advanced Engineering Materials
- [A] Polymers:
- Introduction: Definition of polymer, monomer, functionality of monomers.
- Classification of polymer: Thermal behavior (Thermoplastics and Thermosetting).
- Specialty Polymers:
- Engineering Thermoplastic: Polycarbonate
- Biodegradable Polymers: Poly (hydroxybutyrate-hydroxyvalerate)
- Conducting Polymer: Polyacetylene
- [B] Nanomaterials:
- Introduction
- Classification based on dimensions (zero-dimensional, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional)
- Structure, properties, and applications of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and quantum dots (semiconductor nanoparticles).
Unit IV: Energy Sources
- Introduction:
Definition, classification of fuel based on chemical reactions, and characteristics of an ideal fuel.
- Calorific Value:
- Higher calorific value and lower calorific value.
- Determination of calorific value: Principle, construction, and working of Bomb calorimeter and Boy’s gas calorimeter; Numerical.
- Solid Fuel:
- Coal: Analysis of coal – Proximate and ultimate analysis; Numerical.
- Alternative Fuels: Power alcohol and biodiesel.
- Hydrogen Gas: As a future fuel.
- Lithium-Ion Battery: Construction, working, advantages, applications.
Unit V: Corrosion and Its Prevention
- Introduction:
Types of corrosion – Dry and Wet corrosion.
- Mechanism of Dry Corrosion: Nature of oxide films and Pilling-Bedworth’s rule.
- Wet Corrosion Mechanism: Hydrogen evolution and oxygen absorption.
- Factors Influencing Rate of Corrosion
- Methods of Corrosion Control and Prevention:
- Cathodic Protection (Sacrificial Anode and Impressed Current)
- Metallic Coatings: Types, surface preparation, and methods of application (hot dipping, electroplating).
- Corrosion-Resistant/Anti-Corrosive Paints