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Examination Scheme for BEE SPPU 2024 Pattern
- Seminar Presentation / Open Book Test/ Quiz (06 Marks Unit 5)
- Unit Test 12 Marks Units 1 & Unit 2 (6 Marks/Unit)
- Assignments / Case Study 12 Marks Units 3 & Unit 4 (6 Marks/Unit)
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Unit I: Elementary Concepts and DC Circuits
Elementary Concepts
- Topics Covered:
- Resistance, EMF, Current, Potential Difference, Ohm’s Law.
- Overview of an elementary power system, including:
- Generation
- Transmission
- Distribution of electrical energy.
DC Circuits
- Topics Covered:
- Classification of electrical networks.
- Network simplifications using:
- Series-parallel combinations.
- Star-delta transformation technique.
- Kirchhoff’s Laws and applications for network solutions (loop analysis).
- Superposition theorem.
Exemplar Applications:
- Electric power system, Electrical Load Distribution box, Robotics.
Unit II: Electromagnetism
Magnetic Circuit
- Topics Covered:
- Concept of flux density, field strength, permeability, MMF, and reluctance.
- Units and relationships of the above concepts.
- Simple series magnetic circuit.
- Comparison of electric and magnetic circuits.
Electromagnetic Induction
- Topics Covered:
- Faraday’s Laws of Electromagnetic Induction.
- Fleming’s Right-hand Rule.
- Statically and dynamically induced EMF.
- Self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling.
- Energy stored in a magnetic field.
Exemplar Applications:
- Loudspeaker, Motor, Generator, Transformer.
Unit III: AC Fundamentals
Topics Covered
- Generation of single-phase sinusoidal voltages and currents:
- Mathematical and graphical representation.
- Fundamental concepts:
- Cycle, Period, Frequency, Instantaneous, Peak, Average, and RMS values.
- Peak factor and Form factor.
- Phase concepts:
- Phase, Phase difference, Lagging/Leading quantities, and their phasor representation.
- Representation of phasors:
- Rectangular and Polar forms.
- Study of AC circuits with:
- Pure resistance.
- Pure inductance.
- Pure capacitance.
Exemplar Applications:
- Generator, Electrical appliances, Electrical heater, Radio circuits, Capacitor.
Unit IV: AC Circuits
Single Phase AC Circuits
- Topics Covered:
- R-L, R-C, and R-L-C series circuits:
- Concept of impedance, power factor, and phasor diagrams.
- Voltage, current, and power waveforms.
- Power concepts:
- Active power.
- Reactive power.
- Apparent power.
- Resonance in RLC series circuits.
Three Phase AC Circuits
- Topics Covered:
- Concept of a symmetrical three-phase AC system.
- Phase sequence.
- Balanced and unbalanced loads.
- Voltage, current, and power relations in balanced star and delta connected loads.
- Phasor diagrams.
Exemplar Applications:
- Machine windings, Electric power networks.
Unit V: Introduction to Electric Machines
Single Phase Transformer
- Topics Covered:
- Construction and working principle.
- EMF equation and transformation ratio.
- Transformer rating, types, losses, regulation, and efficiency under various loading conditions.
Electrical Motors
- Topics Covered:
- D.C. Motors:
- Construction, working principle, types, voltage equation, characteristics, and applications.
- Three Phase Induction Motor:
- Working principle (rotating magnetic field theory), types, and applications.
- Single Phase Induction Motor:
- Construction, working principle.
- Applications of split phase, capacitor start, and capacitor run motors.
Exemplar Applications:
- Mobile charger, Electric substations, UPS, Lathe machine, Compressor, Lifts, Hoists, Ceiling fan.