Elective I- Internet of Things and Embedded Systems[TechKnowledge]
Internet of Things and Embedded Systems For SPPU B.E. Computer Engineering Sem 5 Paperback – 5 July 2021 by Pravin Goyal (Author)
Sakhare & Kumavat INTERNET OF THINGS AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (Elective-1) : (Third Year TY (TE) Semester 5) Paperback – 1 January 2021 by Dr. SR Sakhare (Author), NN Sakhare (Author), K Kumavat (Naik) (Author)
Elective I- Internet of Things and Embedded Systems Course Objectives:
● To understand fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems● To learn advances in Embedded Systems and IoT● To learn methodologies for IoT application development● To learn the IoT protocols, cloud platforms and security issues in IoT● To learn real world application scenarios of IoT along with its societal and economic impactusing case studies and real time examples